A WordPress-centric search engine for devs and theme authors

render_block_core_search › WordPress Function

render_block_core_search ( $attributes )
Parameters: (3)
  • (array) $attributes The block attributes.
    Required: Yes
  • (string) $content The saved content.
    Required: Yes
  • (WP_Block) $block The parsed block.
    Required: Yes
  • (string) The search block markup.
Defined at:
Change Log:
  • Using

Dynamically renders the `core/search` block.


function render_block_core_search( $attributes ) {
	// Older versions of the Search block defaulted the label and buttonText
	// attributes to `__( 'Search' )` meaning that many posts contain `<!--
	// wp:search /-->`. Support these by defaulting an undefined label and
	// buttonText to `__( 'Search' )`.
	$attributes = wp_parse_args(
			'label'      => __( 'Search' ),
			'buttonText' => __( 'Search' ),

	$input_id            = wp_unique_id( 'wp-block-search__input-' );
	$classnames          = classnames_for_block_core_search( $attributes );
	$show_label          = ( ! empty( $attributes['showLabel'] ) ) ? true : false;
	$use_icon_button     = ( ! empty( $attributes['buttonUseIcon'] ) ) ? true : false;
	$show_button         = ( ! empty( $attributes['buttonPosition'] ) && 'no-button' === $attributes['buttonPosition'] ) ? false : true;
	$button_position     = $show_button ? $attributes['buttonPosition'] : null;
	$query_params        = ( ! empty( $attributes['query'] ) ) ? $attributes['query'] : array();
	$button              = '';
	$query_params_markup = '';
	$inline_styles       = styles_for_block_core_search( $attributes );
	$color_classes       = get_color_classes_for_block_core_search( $attributes );
	$typography_classes  = get_typography_classes_for_block_core_search( $attributes );
	$is_button_inside    = ! empty( $attributes['buttonPosition'] ) &&
		'button-inside' === $attributes['buttonPosition'];
	// Border color classes need to be applied to the elements that have a border color.
	$border_color_classes = get_border_color_classes_for_block_core_search( $attributes );
	// This variable is a constant and its value is always false at this moment.
	// It is defined this way because some values depend on it, in case it changes in the future.
	$open_by_default = false;

	$label_inner_html = empty( $attributes['label'] ) ? __( 'Search' ) : wp_kses_post( $attributes['label'] );
	$label            = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( sprintf( '<label %1$s>%2$s</label>', $inline_styles['label'], $label_inner_html ) );
	if ( $label->next_tag() ) {
		$label->set_attribute( 'for', $input_id );
		$label->add_class( 'wp-block-search__label' );
		if ( $show_label && ! empty( $attributes['label'] ) ) {
			if ( ! empty( $typography_classes ) ) {
				$label->add_class( $typography_classes );
		} else {
			$label->add_class( 'screen-reader-text' );

	$input         = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( sprintf( '<input type="search" name="s" required %s/>', $inline_styles['input'] ) );
	$input_classes = array( 'wp-block-search__input' );
	if ( ! $is_button_inside && ! empty( $border_color_classes ) ) {
		$input_classes[] = $border_color_classes;
	if ( ! empty( $typography_classes ) ) {
		$input_classes[] = $typography_classes;
	if ( $input->next_tag() ) {
		$input->add_class( implode( ' ', $input_classes ) );
		$input->set_attribute( 'id', $input_id );
		$input->set_attribute( 'value', get_search_query() );
		$input->set_attribute( 'placeholder', $attributes['placeholder'] );

		// If it's interactive, enqueue the script module and add the directives.
		$is_expandable_searchfield = 'button-only' === $button_position;
		if ( $is_expandable_searchfield ) {
			wp_enqueue_script_module( '@wordpress/block-library/search/view' );

			$input->set_attribute( 'data-wp-bind--aria-hidden', '!context.isSearchInputVisible' );
			$input->set_attribute( 'data-wp-bind--tabindex', 'state.tabindex' );

			// Adding these attributes manually is needed until the Interactivity API
			// SSR logic is added to core.
			$input->set_attribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' );
			$input->set_attribute( 'tabindex', '-1' );

	if ( count( $query_params ) > 0 ) {
		foreach ( $query_params as $param => $value ) {
			$query_params_markup .= sprintf(
				'<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />',
				esc_attr( $param ),
				esc_attr( $value )

	if ( $show_button ) {
		$button_classes         = array( 'wp-block-search__button' );
		$button_internal_markup = '';
		if ( ! empty( $color_classes ) ) {
			$button_classes[] = $color_classes;
		if ( ! empty( $typography_classes ) ) {
			$button_classes[] = $typography_classes;

		if ( ! $is_button_inside && ! empty( $border_color_classes ) ) {
			$button_classes[] = $border_color_classes;
		if ( ! $use_icon_button ) {
			if ( ! empty( $attributes['buttonText'] ) ) {
				$button_internal_markup = wp_kses_post( $attributes['buttonText'] );
		} else {
			$button_classes[]       = 'has-icon';
			$button_internal_markup =
				'<svg class="search-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24">
					<path d="M13 5c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6 0 1.4.5 2.7 1.3 3.7l-3.8 3.8 1.1 1.1 3.8-3.8c1 .8 2.3 1.3 3.7 1.3 3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6S16.3 5 13 5zm0 10.5c-2.5 0-4.5-2-4.5-4.5s2-4.5 4.5-4.5 4.5 2 4.5 4.5-2 4.5-4.5 4.5z"></path>

		// Include the button element class.
		$button_classes[] = wp_theme_get_element_class_name( 'button' );
		$button           = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( sprintf( '<button type="submit" %s>%s</button>', $inline_styles['button'], $button_internal_markup ) );

		if ( $button->next_tag() ) {
			$button->add_class( implode( ' ', $button_classes ) );
			if ( 'button-only' === $attributes['buttonPosition'] ) {
				$button->set_attribute( 'data-wp-bind--aria-label', 'state.ariaLabel' );
				$button->set_attribute( 'data-wp-bind--aria-controls', 'state.ariaControls' );
				$button->set_attribute( 'data-wp-bind--aria-expanded', 'context.isSearchInputVisible' );
				$button->set_attribute( 'data-wp-bind--type', 'state.type' );
				$button->set_attribute( 'data-wp-on--click', 'actions.openSearchInput' );

				// Adding these attributes manually is needed until the Interactivity
				// API SSR logic is added to core.
				$button->set_attribute( 'aria-label', __( 'Expand search field' ) );
				$button->set_attribute( 'aria-controls', 'wp-block-search__input-' . $input_id );
				$button->set_attribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
				$button->set_attribute( 'type', 'button' );
			} else {
				$button->set_attribute( 'aria-label', wp_strip_all_tags( $attributes['buttonText'] ) );

	$field_markup_classes = $is_button_inside ? $border_color_classes : '';
	$field_markup         = sprintf(
		'<div class="wp-block-search__inside-wrapper %s" %s>%s</div>',
		esc_attr( $field_markup_classes ),
		$input . $query_params_markup . $button
	$wrapper_attributes   = get_block_wrapper_attributes(
		array( 'class' => $classnames )
	$form_directives      = '';

	// If it's interactive, add the directives.
	if ( $is_expandable_searchfield ) {
		$aria_label_expanded  = __( 'Submit Search' );
		$aria_label_collapsed = __( 'Expand search field' );
		$form_context         = wp_interactivity_data_wp_context(
				'isSearchInputVisible' => $open_by_default,
				'inputId'              => $input_id,
				'ariaLabelExpanded'    => $aria_label_expanded,
				'ariaLabelCollapsed'   => $aria_label_collapsed,
		$form_directives      = '
		. $form_context .

	return sprintf(
		'<form role="search" method="get" action="%1s" %2s %3s>%4s</form>',
		esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ),
		$label . $field_markup