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wp-includes/http.php › WordPress File

Core HTTP Request API

Function Short description
allowed_http_request_hostsMark allowed redirect hosts safe for HTTP requests as well.
get_allowed_http_originsRetrieve list of allowed HTTP origins.
get_http_originGet the HTTP Origin of the current request.
is_allowed_http_originDetermines if the HTTP origin is an authorized one.
ms_allowed_http_request_hostsAdds any domain in a multisite installation for safe HTTP requests to the allowed list.
send_origin_headersSend Access-Control-Allow-Origin and related headers if the current request is from an allowed origin.
wp_http_supportsDetermines if there is an HTTP Transport that can process this request.
wp_http_validate_urlValidate a URL for safe use in the HTTP API.
wp_parse_urlA wrapper for PHP's parse_url() function that handles consistency in the return values across PHP versions.
wp_remote_getPerforms an HTTP request using the GET method and returns its response.
wp_remote_headPerforms an HTTP request using the HEAD method and returns its response.
wp_remote_postPerforms an HTTP request using the POST method and returns its response.
wp_remote_requestPerforms an HTTP request and returns its response.
wp_remote_retrieve_bodyRetrieve only the body from the raw response.
wp_remote_retrieve_cookieRetrieve a single cookie by name from the raw response.
wp_remote_retrieve_cookiesRetrieve only the cookies from the raw response.
wp_remote_retrieve_cookie_valueRetrieve a single cookie's value by name from the raw response.
wp_remote_retrieve_headerRetrieve a single header by name from the raw response.
wp_remote_retrieve_headersRetrieve only the headers from the raw response.
wp_remote_retrieve_response_codeRetrieve only the response code from the raw response.
wp_remote_retrieve_response_messageRetrieve only the response message from the raw response.
wp_safe_remote_getRetrieve the raw response from a safe HTTP request using the GET method.
wp_safe_remote_headRetrieve the raw response from a safe HTTP request using the HEAD method.
wp_safe_remote_postRetrieve the raw response from a safe HTTP request using the POST method.
wp_safe_remote_requestRetrieve the raw response from a safe HTTP request.
_get_component_from_parsed_url_arrayRetrieve a specific component from a parsed URL array.
_wp_http_get_objectReturns the initialized WP_Http Object
_wp_translate_php_url_constant_to_keyTranslate a PHP_URL_* constant to the named array keys PHP uses.