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is_random_header_image › WordPress Function
› is_random_header_image ( $type = 'any' )
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Checks if random header image is in use.
Always true if user expressly chooses the option in Appearance > Header. Also true if theme has multiple header images registered, no specific header image is chosen, and theme turns on random headers with add_theme_support().Fonctions en relation: get_random_header_image, has_header_image, _get_random_header_data, header_image, get_header_image
function is_random_header_image( $type = 'any' ) { $header_image_mod = get_theme_mod( 'header_image', get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'default-image' ) ); if ( 'any' === $type ) { if ( 'random-default-image' === $header_image_mod || 'random-uploaded-image' === $header_image_mod || ( empty( $header_image_mod ) && '' !== get_random_header_image() ) ) { return true; } } else { if ( "random-$type-image" === $header_image_mod ) { return true; } elseif ( 'default' === $type && empty( $header_image_mod ) && '' !== get_random_header_image() ) { return true; } } return false; }