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validate_file_to_edit › WordPress Function

validate_file_to_edit ( $file, $allowed_files = array() )
Paramètres: (2)
  • (string) $file File the user is attempting to edit.
    Requis: Oui
  • (string[]) $allowed_files Optional. Array of allowed files to edit. `$file` must match an entry exactly.
    Requis: Non
    Défaut: array()
  • (string|void) Returns the file name on success, dies on failure.
Défini(e) dans:

Makes sure that the file that was requested to be edited is allowed to be edited.

Function will die if you are not allowed to edit the file.


function validate_file_to_edit( $file, $allowed_files = array() ) {
	$code = validate_file( $file, $allowed_files );

	if ( ! $code ) {
		return $file;

	switch ( $code ) {
		case 1:
			wp_die( __( 'Sorry, that file cannot be edited.' ) );

			// case 2 :
			// wp_die( __('Sorry, cannot call files with their real path.' ));

		case 3:
			wp_die( __( 'Sorry, that file cannot be edited.' ) );