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wp-includes/query.php › WordPress File

WordPress Query API

Function Short description
generate_postdataGenerates post data.
get_queried_objectRetrieves the currently queried object.
get_queried_object_idRetrieves the ID of the currently queried object.
get_query_varRetrieves the value of a query variable in the WP_Query class.
have_commentsDetermines whether current WordPress query has comments to loop over.
have_postsDetermines whether current WordPress query has posts to loop over.
in_the_loopDetermines whether the caller is in the Loop.
is_404Determines whether the query has resulted in a 404 (returns no results).
is_archiveDetermines whether the query is for an existing archive page.
is_attachmentDetermines whether the query is for an existing attachment page.
is_authorDetermines whether the query is for an existing author archive page.
is_categoryDetermines whether the query is for an existing category archive page.
is_comment_feedIs the query for a comments feed?
is_dateDetermines whether the query is for an existing date archive.
is_dayDetermines whether the query is for an existing day archive.
is_embedIs the query for an embedded post?
is_faviconIs the query for the favicon.ico file?
is_feedDetermines whether the query is for a feed.
is_front_pageDetermines whether the query is for the front page of the site.
is_homeDetermines whether the query is for the blog homepage.
is_main_queryDetermines whether the query is the main query.
is_monthDetermines whether the query is for an existing month archive.
is_pageDetermines whether the query is for an existing single page.
is_pagedDetermines whether the query is for a paged result and not for the first page.
is_post_type_archiveDetermines whether the query is for an existing post type archive page.
is_previewDetermines whether the query is for a post or page preview.
is_privacy_policyDetermines whether the query is for the Privacy Policy page.
is_robotsIs the query for the robots.txt file?
is_searchDetermines whether the query is for a search.
is_singleDetermines whether the query is for an existing single post.
is_singularDetermines whether the query is for an existing single post of any post type (post, attachment, page, custom post types).
is_tagDetermines whether the query is for an existing tag archive page.
is_taxDetermines whether the query is for an existing custom taxonomy archive page.
is_timeDetermines whether the query is for a specific time.
is_trackbackDetermines whether the query is for a trackback endpoint call.
is_yearDetermines whether the query is for an existing year archive.
query_postsSets up The Loop with query parameters.
rewind_postsRewind the loop posts.
setup_postdataSet up global post data.
set_query_varSets the value of a query variable in the WP_Query class.
the_commentIterate comment index in the comment loop.
the_postIterate the post index in the loop.
wp_old_slug_redirectRedirect old slugs to the correct permalink.
wp_reset_postdataAfter looping through a separate query, this function restores the $post global to the current post in the main query.
wp_reset_queryDestroys the previous query and sets up a new query.
_find_post_by_old_dateFind the post ID for redirecting an old date.
_find_post_by_old_slugFind the post ID for redirecting an old slug.